With this education you will acquire the basic skills of your personal spirituality. You will learn to work with aura-management, your own personal energy. Which energy is your own and which belongs to someone else. How you can open yourself to the energy of others, or how to close yourself off from it. The chakra teachings and the actual meaning of the chakra’s. You will learn to cleanse your own aura and how to ground. Also you will learn to cleanse a house or location and how to recognize entities and aura-lifters & how to guide them into the light.
Further you will master the correct way of concentration and meditation. Using the twelve senses. How to read and interpret the energy of others. Reading energy from objects and photographs, through the practice of psychometrics. Also you will have the opportunity to meet and get to know your guide.
But perhaps the most important lessons are learning to trust your intuition and getting a vastly better understanding of yourself. All in all, this education is the perfect starting point, where you will attain the principals of spirituality, enabling you to better be and stay in your own energy.
The education Intuitive & Spiritual Development will endow you with confidence and will greatly enhance your sensitivity. The basics, the path back to your soul.
The duration of the education Intuitive & Spiritual Development is 3 days or 7 evenings.
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